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Bone Density vs Bone Fragility

James Scrimshaw - Chiropractor James Scrimshaw Chiropractor

When we think about bone health, most of us immediately think of bone density. It’s been the golden standard of bone health measurement for years, primarily through DEXA scans. But what if I told you that’s only half the story?

bones scan

Understanding the Difference: Bone Density vs Bone Fragility

Think of your bones like a building. Bone density is simply the amount of material present – like counting the bricks in your wall. But bone fragility? That’s about how well those bricks are put together, how strong the mortar is, and how the entire structure holds up under pressure.

You could have a wall with plenty of bricks but poor construction, making it susceptible to collapse. Similarly, your bones might show normal density on a traditional DEXA scan but still be at risk of fractures due to poor bone quality or increased fragility.

The Revolutionary Echolight ‘Screen My Bones’ Technology: Safe, Fast, and Comprehensive

Echolight screen my bones device

At Cura Clinical UK, we’re proud to introduce Echolight’s FDA-approved R.E.M.S. Technology. This groundbreaking innovation makes bone health assessment accessible to everyone – whether you’re at risk for osteoporosis, have a history of cancer treatments, or are pregnant.

What makes Echolight truly revolutionary is its combination of safety and precision. The assessment is completely radiation-free, making it safe for pregnant women and those requiring regular monitoring. It takes just seconds – 80 seconds for your spine and 40 seconds for your femur – providing immediate, detailed insights into your bone health. It not only tells you the bone density, it also tell you the bone fragility!

Key Benefits of Screen My Bones Technology:

• FDA-approved and 100% radiation-free, making it completely safe for pregnant women, children, and those needing regular monitoring

• Ultra-fast assessment – just 80 seconds for spine and 40 seconds for femur, with immediate results

• More accurate and comprehensive than traditional DEXA scans, measuring both bone density AND bone fragility

• Provides detailed 3D bone mapping with instant reporting, allowing for precise treatment planning

• Ideal for monitoring osteoporosis, pregnancy bone health, and post-cancer treatment recovery

• No special preparation needed, comfortable, and non-invasive process

• Can be repeated as often as needed with no radiation risk, perfect for tracking progress over time

• Clinical-grade precision with comprehensive fracture risk assessment, helping prevent future problems


From Screening to Treatment

This is where the good stuff happens. When your Echolight assessment reveals areas of concern, we can immediately begin planning your treatment journey with MBST (Magnetic Resonance Therapy). Think of Echolight as your detailed health map, showing us exactly where and how to focus the healing power of MBST.

MBST uses the same principles as MRI technology but for therapeutic purposes. Instead of just creating images, it stimulates cellular regeneration in your bone and cartilage tissue. The beauty of combining these technologies lies in their precision – we can target treatment exactly where your bones need it most, based on your personal Echolight results.

A Real Life Case Study

Hand Pain and Relief With MBST.

Let me share a remarkable success story that showcases this integrated approach. One of our patients, Jane, came to us struggling with severe arthritis, particularly affecting their hands. The impact on their daily life was profound – simple tasks like gripping objects had become incredibly painful, with pain levels reaching 9 out of 10.

After a detailed assessment, we began MBST treatment in June, focusing specifically on the cartilage and bone in their hands. By November, the transformation was remarkable. Despite the challenging cold weather – which typically aggravates arthritic conditions – they reported dramatic improvements. The shooting pains that once dominated their daily life had virtually disappeared.

What makes this success story particularly significant is its longevity. When we followed up months after treatment, the improvements had not only maintained but continued. Our patient could now perform daily tasks with ease, experiencing only occasional mild discomfort compared to the constant pain they lived with before.

Read her full story here.

The Power of Prevention and Monitoring

One of the most valuable aspects of ‘Screen My Bones’ Echolight technology is its ability to track changes over time. Regular screenings allow us to monitor the effectiveness of MBST treatment and make adjustments as needed. This is particularly crucial for those with ongoing health concerns or those who’ve undergone cancer treatments.

For pregnant women, Echolight offers something unprecedented – the ability to safely monitor bone health throughout pregnancy without radiation exposure. This means we can identify and address potential issues early, ensuring optimal health for both mother and baby.

Taking the First Step

Understanding your complete bone health – both density and fragility – is crucial for preventing future problems and maintaining an active lifestyle. Whether you’re concerned about osteoporosis, recovering from cancer treatment, pregnant, or simply being proactive about your health, our combined Echolight ‘Screen My Bones’ and MBST approach offers a safe, effective path forward.

Don’t wait until pain limits your daily activities or until a fracture occurs. Take the first step towards understanding and improving your complete bone health by booking your comprehensive Screen My Bones assessment at Cura Clinical UK today.

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