MBST: Bristol-based advancements in the management of long-term injury and Osteoarthritis
MBST is a German technology that is relatively unknown in the UK. It is a therapeutic adaptation of MRI, but instead of forming an image, it stimulates a significant repair response in damaged tissue and joints. There is a large body of evidence to support this and there are over 200 clinics in Germany almost exclusively run by Orthopaedic surgeons.
While there is no large-scale UK-based research as yet, it’s only a matter of time before trials begin. The impressive results we’re seeing are hard to ignore and clinicians at the highest level are taking notice, with the number of MBST clinics in the UK more than doubling in the last nine months, and several more in the pipeline. One thing we do know is that’s it’s a completely risk-free and pain-free therapy.
‘I’ve been hugely impressed by the significant improvement in symptoms by my patients I have referred to CURA Clinical. The MBST technology is widely used in Europe with proven clinical benefit. Furthermore, this is a group of patients who, up until now, have few other effective options. I recommend it highly’
Jonathan Webb MB ChB FRCS (Orth) Consultant Knee Surgeon
In a preliminary validation case study of around 200 patients seen at CURA Clinical in Bristol, 90% of patients have seen significant improvement in their symptoms. Of these, 70% have particularly good long-term remission of symptoms and improvement in lifestyle and function.
10% of cases we’ve seen are generally considered beyond the reach of MBST with some bone-on-bone patients requiring surgery. However, the good news is that in many cases, the anti-inflammatory effects have made patients more comfortable until they can have their operation. On the flip side, we’ve found a ‘sweet spot’ for patients who are at the mild to moderate stage of joint damage and their results really are extremely impressive. Patients who respond particularly well to treatment are those with mild to significant Osteoarthritic joint changes in neck, back, knees and hips, hands and feet. We’re also able to help those with severe tendinopathies, and other long-term soft tissue or bone injuries.
Examples of those we’ve recently helped range from an 88-year-old female with very severe leg pain (due to degenerative spinal stenosis), to several patients ranging from 52 – 74 years with significant arthritic change in their hips and knees who are not yet ready for surgery but who are living with life-altering amounts of pain.
‘When James suggested that I try MBST for my back pain due to degenerative discs, I decided to give it a go. It was a really easy experience and quite mindful just lying down for each of the seven sessions. It also worked!! I do feel it could be a game changer for the NHS if its value is recognised.’
GP Bristol
MBST is a therapy that offers a viable option to patients for which hands-on treatment has provided limited help, but who continue to live with pain. It’s worth considering MBST if you’re not ready for surgery or really don’t want to go down that path unless absolutely necessary.
For further information or for booking enquiries please call: 0117 959 6531.
Email: info@curaclinical.com.