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How Cura can help your pain

Here at CURA, we use the latest technologies: MBST Cell Regeneration Therapy and Deep Tissue Laser Therapy to heal and repair the damaged tissues. We combine these technologies with hands-on Chiropractic and Physiotherapy to ensure your body heals itself to its maximum potential.

‘I’ve been hugely impressed by the significant improvement in symptoms by my patients I have referred to CURA Clinical. The MBST technology is widely used in Europe with proven clinical benefit. Furthermore, this is a group of patients who, up until now, have few other effective options. I recommend it highly’

Jonathan Webb, MB ChB FRCS (Orth), Consultant Knee Surgeon


Using the same electromagnetic energy used in MRI to repair damaged cells and regenerate tissue structures. Amazing for cartilage, ligament and muscle/tendon repair.
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Deep Tissue Laser Therapy is a scientifically proven way to reduce pain and inflammation. It's fast, safe, painless and most patients experience results after only a few sessions.
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Applies specific joint and soft tissue manipulations to treat back pain, general joint pain and injury.
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Introduction from James Scrimshaw

Founder of Cura Clinical with 24 years chiropractor experience and a Partner to MBST in the UK

Success Stories

Lynne and James after MBST

A Non-Surgical Solution for Complex Spinal Conditions

For many years, Lynne had been managing her chronic low back pain through regular treatment sessions at our clinic.

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Annalies Arthritis Journey

Annalies continues to enjoy pain-free movement in her fingers thanks to MBST therapy at Cura Clinical in Bristol after having arthritis.

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Patient with James

Danny overcomes his back pain

Joint arthritis and disc bulges

Danny used MBST to overcome his severe back pain and six weeks on from therapy, his pain levels are down to one out of 10.

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Francis the patient after MBST therapy treatment

Francis: Treating His Disc Injury & Sciatica

We tried everything we could to help Francis and his sciatica and the results were life-changing.

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James Scrimshaw Chiropractor

Hello, I’m James. I’m the founder of Cura Clinical and a Partner to MBST in the UK. I’ve been a chiropractor for 24 years and whilst chiropractic is amazing for helping patients feel better and stay well, one of the biggest challenges is managing patients with joint damage, arthritic changes and significant structural and tissue injuries.

Because of this, I’ve been looking for ways to help my patients heal, repair faster with more permanence, and I found that in the form of MBST Cell Regeneration Therapy and Class-4 Deep Tissue Laser Therapy. Both of these technologies propel energy into damaged cells giving a turbo charge to their function from which they can heal and repair thoroughly. This then translates into less pain and improved function in the most difficult of conditions. Using the technology allows us to influence chronic conditions such as osteoarthritis of all areas, tendon tears, bone injuries, ligament tears, disc injuries and spinal stenosis, to name a few.

We treat all manner of patients, from professional sportspeople, service personnel working in HM forces to those in older life who simply want to walk further or sleep better. Working with MBST Cell Regeneration has changed both my life, and the lives of many patients struggling with long-term pain and injury. As the technology becomes more widely used in the UK, I’m confident it will become a safe, risk-free approach for patients living with pain and loss of mobility.

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